Syncronisation Center

Syncronisation Center is an app that can sync multiple folders from different location. From local folders, to network folders and even FTP servers. You can make a sync rule, add as many folders as you like, and select when you want them to be synced.

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Cod sync center is a application to sync multiple folders/locations. It relies on a sync service, which runs runs in the background and takes only 4-5 MB of RAM. You can add as many sync rules with as many locations as you would like.

The sync rules are very customizable, with user settings, advanced scheduling, exeptions for files, folder and file extensions. They can be programmed to run from every minute to every 10 years if that's what you prefer.

The Sync Center is build upon the open-source Codrut Fluent Design System visual library. With a modern, easy to use and powerfull UI, this app is lightweight and fast.

Detalied information

  • View & Manage rules
  • View logs, log type and message
  • Add exeptions to File Names, Folder Names and File Extensions
  • Manually sync rules at any moment in time
  • Change sync direction for locations: Both-Ways, Read-Only, Write-Only
  • Change sync schedule
  • Require user confirmation for certain rules
  • Copy-Only mode, disable deletion
  • Recycle files instead of deleting them
  • View current sync status
  • Pause/Resume the thread
  • Calculate file hash for comparing
  • Start with windows
  • Automaticaly check for new versions

Performance statistics

  • Service-mode idle RAM usage: 4MB
  • UI Mode RAM usage: 28MB
  • CPU usage when active: < 1%
  • CPU usage when idle: 0%
  • Application size: 10.3MB


Beta releases

Download Version 0.9.4
Download Version 0.9.3
Download Version 0.9.0

Download Version 0.8.7
Download Version 0.8.6
Download Version 0.8.5
Download Version 0.8.1

Unstable versions (not reccomended)

Download Version 0.8.0
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Download Count: 15

Latest Server Version: 0.9.4

Auto update support: Yes


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