March 1st, 2025 • Petculescu Codrut
It's incredible, but an entire new year has passed already. It's 2025, like how? It feels like yesterday It was 2021 and now an entire new chapter of my life is about to begin, in terms of studies, personal goals and more. It's strange, but I miss these years, It feels like they have gone too fast......
February 16th, 2024 • Codrut
An old friend of mine, this cute cat. I feel like this cat deserves a spot here as he was a very silly and adorable cat. He was always finding himself in the most dangerous of situations, always shocking us about how he was still alive. While he is no longer with us anymore, up in kitty heaven, a part of him will always stay in my heart...
February 4th, 2024 • Petculescu Codrut
Now on Codrut Software, you can find NetApps! These are small apps that run in your webbrowser. Such app is the new "YouTube Downloader". Just paste the link of the video you want to download, and select your preffered quality....
December 28th, 2023 • Petculescu Codrut
The Codrut Software account has been greatly updated. With a new and improved account dashboard, profile customization and better updates...
September 13th, 2023 • Petculescu Codrut
Are you border of Windows being so boring™? Is the desktop not fun™ enough for you? Well I have the perfect solution for you....
September 7th, 2023 • Petculescu Codrut
3 years have passed since I created the first Codrut Software Website! Time sure does fly fast. To celebrate this moment, I have found a link to the original...
August 10th, 2023 • Petculescu Codrut
The Codrut Software website has been updated! Now It has social features such as a guestbook and a application review system. There is also a new API for codrut software...
July 28th, 2023 • Petculescu Codrut
I have finally purchased a new website! is the new domain. For now the old site will still work as well, but the new one...
July 24th, 2023 • Petculescu Codrut
UWP is great and all, but Win32 is objectively superior. Unfortunately not in the UI department. But what If you could have the best of both worlds?...
July 18th, 2023 • Petculescu Codrut
I have developed a application with the purpose of syncronising multiple folders. FTP, Network, Local, you name It! You can add as many sync rules...
September 10th, 2022 • Petculescu Codrut
Yes, Cusbase is still in development. But now it's better then ever. From the screenshot attatched you can see that now all cells are styled individually...
September 10th, 2022 • Webmaster
I started designing a new website because I wanted to start fresh. The entire site has been rebuild from the ground up. The Navigation...