Fluent Design System

UWP is great and all, but Win32 is objectively superior. Unfortunately not in the UI department. But what If you could have the best of both worlds?...

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Fluent Design System

UWP is great and all, but Win32 is objectively superior. Unfortunately not in the UI department. But what If you could have the best of both worlds? That's where my custom visual component suite, or Visual Library as I like to call It comes into play. What's Codrut Fluent Design System (CFX)? It's a suite of components and custom classes for the Delphi Development Enviroment. It has all the basics, Forms, Buttons, Labels, and a strong backbone integration with the Theme Manager.

But Codrut, what is the Theme Manager, you may ask. The theme manager is the brains of the library. In short, It's a class that takes care of the visual aspect of all components. It monitors the registy for theme changes: Dark/Light mode, accent colors, all the important stuff. And It also contains all the base colors that the components rely on. You can even customize It to any color you like. Awesome! But what If you want to customize a component's apereance to your liking, not the default Theme Manager style? I've got you covered! Each component has a Custom Colors class. You can change basically all the colors you want. And some of the components have options to change border radius, settings, icons, etc.

Oh! I forgot to mention the Icons, there is an amazing Icon class that all components can use & draw with. You choose between No icon, BitMap, Picture(Basically any kind), Image List & Segoe Icon. Yes! native Segoe UI Icon support! Segoe Fluent Icons, or Segoe MLD2 Assets, your choice, just tell the Theme Manager your preferance!

In my opinion, this is basically Win32 with UWP aspects and complete functionality, which is way better!


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