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- Petculescu Codrut
- March 1st, 2025
- Views: 9
A new year has come
- new-year
- 2025
- march
- holiday
- fiverr
- new
It's incredible, but an entire new year has passed already. It's 2025, like how? It feels like yesterday
It was 2021 and now an entire new chapter of my life is about to begin, in terms of studies, personal
goals and more. It's strange, but I miss these years, It feels like they have gone too fast, I didn't
have the time to appeciate, well the time..
Something interesting
I've also found a bunch of stamps, so I've started to complete my great-grandfathers stamp book with all of these
old stamps, they are from all times, even the soviet era and are from all over the world: Romania, Russia, Dubai,
Germany. And I've found a few with some very cutee cate images! ^-^
What I've worked
Anyways, this year I've been busy, I've completed plenty of new projects, and also found work on
My fiverr profile
I've worked plenty of projects in the meantime there. Earned myself a living. From Node.JS delphi wrappers,
to games to productivity software and screensavers!
It has been a pretty good experience personally.
I've also release quite a few new apps on Codrut Software, here are some:
So to conclude...
All in all, It's been a good year, and I have so many other projects I've started and currently working on,
projects I cant wait to share with the world. Thank you to everyone who has used my software :)
With you all a great year!
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